Thursday, 6 August 2015

What goes up Must come down! The mobile phone up the mast Day three

Sailing Log Thomas Island

 We made passage today to the Lindeman Group of Islands early morning and droped anchor at Thomas Island in a sheltered Bay.
Capt. Teza on deck adjusting sheets
Jacqui got a little seasick on this journey so Teza decided that to cure this we would send Jacqui up the mast to retrieve the Capt.’s phone so she could experience elevation sickness instead.
The ongoing mayhem of the mobile phone that has been at the top of the mast for three days.
We had to drop the genoa/headsail so we could use this halyard to hoist Jacqui up the mast.
Mean while I worked the winches in the cockpit and helm, more scar tissue on a mothers old heart.
I got so frantic that I put the camera on paint mode so some of the photos are a bit more arty  by mistake.
Taking down the genoa sail hard work
Up she goes
Jacqui up the mast a new style of pole dancing

Brave Jacqui
This was no small feat and Jacqui was very courageous going up 16 meters of mast from the deck. We strapped a go pro on her head and I will send this through on FB, when I can download it.

The phone bag was almost shredded but the phone is working and all intact.
You can all call him now and give him a hard time on this little bit of mayhem.

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