Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Maintenance- Sens de la Vie

March 2016

Two weeks on the Hardstand for Sens de la Vie major maintenance and replacements overhaul.

Organising so many tradies over these 2 weeks was a challenge as nobody arrived on time except for our Shipwright and his Polish side kick.

Working on an old yacht is difficult and most contractors would rather be on the modern super yachts then squishing into small spaces to do the works required to get our boat operational like new again.

We slipped the yacht at the Boat Works after a smokey trip up the Coomera river due to our turbo collapsing.  Early morning we limped our way up the Coomera River in a puff of black smoke to the Boat Works.  Our Turbo on the motor collapsed which was known and part of our long expensive list of parts to be replaced. The side of the boat was so black we discussed changing the boats name to "Sooty"

The list of works done is exhausting to name just a few things all Hatches made watertight and Perspex polished and new porthole, new alternator, new gear box flange, new turbo, plumbing including new lines and taps, seacocks, repairs to hull, antifouling, new stripes, electrical, new thermostat's and pumps on refrigeration, Geni repairs, prop and shaft serviced with new prop flange.  And the list goes on and on and on until we ran out of money.
A learning experience for me,  I know every hole in this boat that is suppose to be there and the bowels of the boat are no longer a mystery with every floor board and bulk head exposed.
Flange Thing for Gear Box

Boat inside cabin everything pulled out
Prop serviced
 We had some valuable help from our friends Captn Kirk (Graham Kirkbride)  and Jess (Buff Boy) from USA to help sand back and polish hull ready for the antifoul Paint
Captn Kirk



Winged Keel

The strip man
Works completed

Going Back into the water

Delivery Crew Lou Rankin

 By the time it was finished I was very tired. I looked like a bilge rat with paint in my hair and hands dry from scrubbing and I was very over dealing with sweaty Tradies in confined spaces .

Work is never finished on a boat, always something to fix,  but we hope that these major repairs and refits completed we can now get on with our sailing adventures for the next couple of years trouble free.

Back at Home Berth

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