Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Sailing 2017 Passage to Central Queensland Coast

Well folks, it has been some time since I posted yachting adventures. Its been a difficult year for sailing after a yacht accident last year which took 6 months and more to repair boat. Our sailing has just been in local waters.
After an enormous amount of fuss and bother over getting a new electrical system operational the contractor finished this week.
In the process of all this drama getting boat ready to depart in September, I had a heart attack early August which resulted in a Stent being placed in my artery which was 95% blocked.  
Having a bacterial infection in my chest for a month did me no good at all and I am currently fighting a battle with the common cold.  My cardio Rehab has been challenged  which has left me feeling disappointed that I have not bounced back to my bubbly self.  However, I am determined to get off the mainland away from all the bugs as my immune system has been greatly compromised and with a clear head void of any colds, I will have time to relax, swim and generally restore my soul and body in my happy place on the sea.

I joke that Terry might end up doing  a Burial at Sea, which would be greatly disappointing, as I want to go up in a rocket and be blown up with lots of sparkle, loud music and champagne guzzling friends celebrating my life.
However, when I researched how to do a "burial at sea" (as you do), the process has a 40 page EPA Bio Hazard Document that Capt Teza will have to fill out, so the likely hood of Terry completing this task is remote. My body having a  chemical and drug invasion  with all the medication I take,  would constitute me as being a Bio Hazard.  I would not like to cause any environmental harm to our fragile Great Barrier reef.   

Preparations are in full swing, albeit minus my energy, getting boat ready and provisioned as best we can to depart on Saturday at noon, for a  short sail to Morton Bay and then we will make passage up the coast slowly to Percy islands where we hope to anchor for at least 10 days. This footage below supplied by another yachtie of the wonderful Percy Island Group, Middle Island.

Percy Islands

I will post on the blog our travels for those who are interested as we are sailing for 5 weeks.  No doubt Capt Teza, (Alias Capt No Underpants) and (Capt Chaos) and "would be rum swigging pirate" will give me writing material worthy of a good laugh.